I'm Back

Well, it's been a very long while since I've posted, but I'm back now. I noticed that my tendency has been to not blog any time while work had me miserable. I was miserable at work recently. Well, as of this past Wednesday, I've left that job behind. I'm optimistic that I will be considerably more in a cheery mood in the future.

Here are some things I've neglected to mention:

1) This year, Beth and I became baseball fans. Strange, that. I think it means we're getting old and our brains are slowing down. When I was younger, I just couldn't understand how anyone could be a fan of such a slow and dull game (I still refuse to consider it a sport). But now I actually find that it's somehow exciting. There are things about it I despise. (For example this business about "checked swings". As I recall, when I was a kid, I never saw the "checked swing". Is it really a new innovation, or am I imagining things? As I recall, in the past, if the bat left the shoulder, it was a swing. None of this business about whether the wrist snapped or not.)

Anyway, we became baseball fans in general and Red Sox fans in particular. So we're thrilled that the Sox won the series again!

2) Brownback got out of the race. Hooray!

3) I've chosen a candidate to support in this primary season. I'm behind Edwards. I've seen him speak a couple of times. The main thing I take away from him is this: Edwards is the candidate who's seriously and consistently talking about implementing some democracy in our "democracy". That's something I'm passionate about. I think he's right on a lot. I don't think he's dead wrong on anything. And I believe he's sincere and trustworthy. (At least as trustworthy as any politician out there.)

I went around canvassing for him (as a volunteer) a few weeks ago, and today I'm scheduled to do the same. I sincerely hope he pulls out the nomination. And if not him, then I'm hoping for Obama. I think an Edwards/Obama ticket is the best idea I've heard in a while.

While I've slightly softened on Clinton, I just can not get behind her, whatsoever. The more I see her, the more my opinion is solidified that she's entirely calculating and her motive is pure, unbridled ambition. I don't believe for a second that she actually cares about anything beyond what's politically expedient. I don't trust her at all. (Some "softening", huh?)

4) The following is not original content but it tells of a change I made to my blog (feedback is welcome, of course):

Introducing Snap Shots from Snap.com

I just installed a nice little tool on this site called Snap Shots that enhances links with visual previews of the destination site, interactive excerpts of Wikipedia articles, MySpace profiles, IMDb profiles and Amazon products, display inline videos, RSS, MP3s, photos, stock charts and more.

Sometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site, while other times it lets you "look ahead," before deciding if you want to follow a link or not.

Should you decide this is not for you, just click the Options icon in the upper right corner of the Snap Shot and opt-out.


  1. Well, well.

    I am sorry to hear/read you were not happy in your job, but I suppose leaving it will give you more time to campaign; either for yourself or Edwards, or in the unfortunate case of a head injury (slight) for Clinton.

    Bolivar had emailed me recently through the marketing machine classmates.com and that sent me on a walk through the past that brought me to your site. Glad to hear you are doing well (except for the job thing) and would love to chat sometime.

    Love your pictures btw - fantastic.

    a blast from the past,
    Michelle Dolan Lawrence

  2. Hi, Michelle. Sorry I've been so lazy about responding. I checked your profile right away and discovered that there's no link to e-mail you.

    Anyway, I think the new job is going well. I'm certainly enjoying it, and my stress level is a tiny fraction of what it was with the previous one.

    Thanks for the compliment on my photos. I hope to start posting some more soon. We've somehow lost our card reader, so I have some photos on my camera that I haven't loaded onto my computer yet. Yeah, I can directly connect, but it's so much slower to transfer that way!

    I don't know whether he would have any reason to remember who I am (I always consider myself deeply forgettable), but you can tell Brian I said hi, if you think my name would ring a bell.

    Hope all's well for you. Great hearing from you. Take care.


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