Pictures of Keiko

My sister requested that I post some pictures of our bird, Keiko. So here he is:

Keiko, blue headed pionus

Keiko, blue headed pionus

Keiko, blue headed pionus

Keiko, blue headed pionus
He's a blue headed pionus. Actually quite pretty. He's camera shy, though. I took over 70 shots and ended up with only about 20 that I thought were any good. From those, I chose to post these four.


  1. He's very pretty. Thank you for posting these.

    It was wonderful to see you last week; next time, I hope we get to spend more time with you & Beth.

    - Your sister

  2. I've never seen a blue-headed pionus before, and this one's a ripper.

    I got a parrot blog at Wil Parrots if you wanna check it out some time.



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