My Most Recent Drawings

I was recently invited to provide some work for display in a show at Artists’ Mediums in Williston, VT. They have four shows per year, and the current show’s title is “Once Upon a Time”. Instead of just selecting some drawings I had already done, I took the title of the show as inspiration to create a series of three new drawings. I had the idea of combining the Three Little Pigs with the Three Bears of Goldilocks fame. Would the presence of the bears be enough to deter the big bad wolf from harassing the three little pigs at their new abodes? I’ll leave it to you to decide whether this would be the case. If so, would the wolf then take the bears’ absence at their own abode as an invitation to deal with Goldilocks as if she were Little Red Riding Hood?

The show runs through October. Be sure to stop in if you’re in the area.

* Interestingly, the stories of The Three Little Pigs and The Three Bears are both British tales and both originally appeared in print in the 19th century. Little Red Riding Hood is much older and not British.


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